Anthropologie linguistique et cognitive
Rafael Carvalho da Silva, Former Fyssen 2022 Louise Bestea, Gabriela de Brito Sanchez, and Martin Giurfa In honey bees, appetitive motivation is primarily driven by the needs of the colony rather than individual needs. The regulation of appetitive behavior is achieved through the coordinated action of neuropeptides, hormones and biogenic amines, which integrate multiple signals […]
Alice LEPLONGEON Former Fyssen 2013 Published: December 27, 2017 PLOS ONE Abstract During the Nubia Salvage Campaign and the subsequent expeditions from the 1960’s to the 1980’s, numerous sites attributed to the Late Palaeolithic (~25–15 ka) were found in the Nile Valley, particularly in Nubia and Upper Egypt. This region is one of the few […]