La résonance des compositions des mondes
Entretien Philippe DESCOLA, Professeur du Collège de France, Chaire d’Anthropologie de la Nature Romain SIMENEL, Chercheur IRD, Anthropologue Depuis la publication de l’ouvrage Par-delà En savoir plus
Technological variability in the Late Palaeolithic lithic industries of the Egyptian Nile Valley: The case of the Silsilian and Afian industries
Alice LEPLONGEON Former Fyssen 2013 Published: December 27, 2017 PLOS ONE Abstract During the Nubia Salvage Campaign and the subsequent expeditions from the 1960’s to the 1980’s, numerous sites En savoir plus
Corticostriatal plasticity, neuronal ensembles, and regulation of drug-seeking behavior
Ana Clara BOBADILLA Former Fyssen 2014 Progress in Brain Research, Volume 235, 2017, Pages 93-112 Corticostriatal plasticity, neuronal ensembles, and regulation of drug-seeking behavior Ana-Clara En savoir plus
Subfamily-dependent alternative reproductive strategies in worker honeybees
Boris YAGOUND Former Fyssen 2015 Subfamily-dependent alternative reproductive strategies in worker honeybees Boris Yagound 1, Michael Duncan 2, Nadine C. Chapman 1, Benjamin P. Oldroyd 1 1 – En savoir plus
Présences extraterrestres – diversité des formes de vie en Science-Fiction – 8 films-débats
Perig PITROU, Bénéficiaire d’une subvention de recherche, 2012 Présences extraterrestres Diversité des formes de vie en Science-Fiction 8 films-débats Programmation proposée par Roland En savoir plus
Age at reproductive debut: Developmental predictors and consequences for lactation, infant mass, and subsequent reproduction in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)
Florent PITTET, Former Fyssen 2014 Florent Pittet (1,2,3), Crystal Johnson(4) and Katie Hinde(1,2,3), 1 Brain, Mind, and Behavior Unit, California National Primate Research Center, Davis, California En savoir plus
Conditioned inhibition of the phototactic response in honey bees: a novel protocol for the study of learning and memory
Maria Eugenia VILLAR, Former Fyssen 2016 Conditioned inhibition of the phototactic response in honey bees: a novel protocol for the study of learning and memory 2nd CRCA Phd Students Symposium En savoir plus
Evolution of ageing, costs of reproduction and the fecundity–longevity trade-off in eusocial insects
Pierre BLACHER Former Fyssen 2014 & Timothy J. Huggins, Andrew F. G. Bourke Proceedings B 2017; Eusocial insects provide special opportunities to elucidate the evolution of ageing as queens have En savoir plus
Gestural Communication in Olive Baboons (Papio anubis): Repertoire and Properties
Sandra MOLESTI, Former Fyssen 2015 7th European Federation for Primatology (EFP) Meeting 30e colloque de la société francophone de primatologie 21-25 aout 2017 – Université de Strasbourg, En savoir plus
Animal vocal communication: function, structures, and production mechanisms
Maxime GARCIA Former Fyssen 2016 Oxford Academic, Animal vocal communication: function, structures, and production mechanisms Maxime Garcia & Livio Favaro Understanding the processes involved in En savoir plus