Thomas MERKLING, Former Fyssen 2013-2014
The « Ecology and Behaviour » seminar is an international scientific congress that distinguish itself by the will clearly displayed to favour the participation of PhD and Post-doctoral students. The « Ecology and Behaviour » meetings are celebrating this year their twelfth anniversary. Since the first edition in Chizé in 2005, seven cities have already hosted these meetings and a second tour of France started in 2012. For the second time, this event is organized in Lyon.
In today’s context of rapid degradation of ecosystems, developing high quality fundamental research in ecology and evolutionary biology is essential. Therefore, throughout this conference, we offer debates on ecology, evolutionary biology, and animal behaviour designed for young researchers (PhD students, post-doctoral researchers).
The primary aim of the « Ecology and Behaviour » conference is to share information in a friendly atmosphere and to give time for discussion between each of sessions. Previous editions have encountered a growing success, where a hundred of participants presented their work either through an oral communication or a poster. These conferences give them the opportunity to promote their work and to create debates about various topics of research, which can lead to new questions. In addition, the international character of these conferences can inspire future inter-university collaboration. These conferences also provide PhD students with the possibility of building professional networks with French and foreign laboratories.
Each of the six sessions proposed in the meeting will host two international specialists. Thus, participants will benefit from the presence of renowned researchers in a less formal atmosphere compared to usual conferences.
Finally, unlike most congresses and symposium, no charge is asked to PhD students and post-doctoral students (including accomodation and lunches) if they participate throught the presentation of a poster or an oral communication.
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