Former Fyssen 2016
Friday, 8th June 2018, 11:30, at the salle Jaurès
of the École Normale Supérieure, 29 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris.
Where is it harder for women, across career stages?
How do implicit biases shape our attitudes towards our colleagues?
How can we reduce inequalities?
What organisations and support are available for women?
The goal is to join the international conversation about the place of women in science, and academia more broadly. By bringing together speakers from different fields, career stages, and with a diverse experience of work environments, the aim is to get a better understanding of the challenges faced by women, and of the strategies and solutions that can be implemented to reduce inequalities, and help everyone prosper in science and academia.
Everyone is invited! Students, post-docs, PIs, whatever your gender, or field of research, as this conversation is relevant for the whole of academia.
Our panel:
Lucie Charles, Post-doctoral researcher in Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London
Anne Christophe, CNRS Senior researcher, Unit Director (LSCP), École Normale Supérieure
Aude Nyadanu, PhD student in Chemistry, École Polytechnique & École Normale Supérieure, L’Oréal-UNESCO Prize « Pour les Femmes et la Science »
More details and free registration at: https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/women-in-science-panel-discussion-tickets-45855451891
This event was organised by Nura Sidarus, together with colleagues Naomi Havron and Si Berrebi,
and is sponsored by DEC-Life & DEC, ENS.
Nura Sidarus completed her PhD at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, under the supervision of Prof. Patrick Haggard. She is now a Fyssen Foundation Post-doctoral Fellow at the Institut Jean Nicod (ENS, Paris), working with Valérian Chambon and Elisabeth Pacherie. Her work explores the relation between metacognition, decision-making, and the sense of agency. More specifically, she investigates how we monitor our decisions and our actions, and how decision-making processes interact with learning action-outcome associations, and with our experience of being in control of our actions. For this, she uses a variety of behavioural, computational, and neuroimaging methods. To disseminate her work to the general public, Nura has participated in several public outreach events, including a recent panel discussion about free will at the London School Economics, which can be heard here.
Publications récentes
. Sidarus, N., Vuorre, M., & Haggard, P. (2017).
How action selection influences the sense of agency: An ERP study. NeuroImage, 150, 1-13.
. Beyer*, F., Sidarus*, N., Bonicalzi, S., & Haggard, P. (2016).
Beyond self-serving bias: diffusion of responsibility reduces sense of agency and outcome monitoring. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
. Sidarus, N., & Haggard, P. (2016).
Difficult action decisions reduce the sense of agency: A study using the Eriksen flanker task. Acta Psychologica, 166, 1-11.