Wild primates copy higher-ranked individuals in a social transmission experiment
Charlotte Canteloup, Former Fyssen 2017 Will Hoppitt & Erica van de Waal Nature Communications, 2020, 11:459 Abstract Little is known about how multiple social learning strategies interact and En savoir plus
Nutrient regulation in ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Enikő CSATA, Former Fyssen 2017, Nutrient regulation in ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): a review Enikő Csata & Audrey Dussutour Myrmecological News Abstract As for all living organisms, the En savoir plus
Croix sens dessus-dessous
Cyril Menta, Former Fyssen 2017 Images et re-vues Croix sens dessus-dessous Circulation et transformations d’une forme symbolique chez les Indiens pankararé et pankararu – Nordeste du Brésil En savoir plus
The time is ripe for a change. The evolution of harvesting technologies in Central Dalmatia during the Neolithic period (6th millennium cal BC)
Niccolò Mazzucco Former Fyssen 2015 The time is ripe for a change. The evolution of harvesting technologies in Central Dalmatia during the Neolithic period (6th millennium cal BC) Niccolò Mazzucco, En savoir plus
Moving alike: movement and human–nonhuman relationships among the Runa (Ecuadorian Amazon)
Francesca MEZZENZANA, Former Fyssen 2015 Moving alike: movement and human–nonhuman relationships among the Runa (Ecuadorian Amazon) In this paper I suggest that an analysis of movement can offer a En savoir plus
RNA from Trained Aplysia Can Induce an Epigenetic Engram for Long-Term Sensitization in Untrained Aplysia
Alexis BEDECARRATS, Former Fyssen 2015 Alexis Bédécarrats, Shanping Chen, Kaycey Pearce, Diancai Cai and David L. Glanzman (2018)RNA from Trained Aplysia Can Induce an Epigenetic Engram for En savoir plus
La fabrique du cerveau
Giulia ANICHINI, Former Fyssen 2016-2017 La fabrique du cerveau Les dessous d’un laboratoire de neuro-imagerie Cet ouvrage analyse, étape par étape, le travail de cartographie du cerveau à En savoir plus
Shared neural coding for social hierarchy and reward value in primate amygdala
Jérôme MUNUERA Former Fyssen 2010 Nature Neuroscience Shared neural coding for social hierarchy and reward value in primate amygdala Jérôme Munuera, Mattia Rigotti & C. Daniel Salzman En savoir plus
Technological variability in the Late Palaeolithic lithic industries of the Egyptian Nile Valley: The case of the Silsilian and Afian industries
Alice LEPLONGEON Former Fyssen 2013 Published: December 27, 2017 PLOS ONE Abstract During the Nubia Salvage Campaign and the subsequent expeditions from the 1960’s to the 1980’s, numerous sites En savoir plus
Corticostriatal plasticity, neuronal ensembles, and regulation of drug-seeking behavior
Ana Clara BOBADILLA Former Fyssen 2014 Progress in Brain Research, Volume 235, 2017, Pages 93-112 Corticostriatal plasticity, neuronal ensembles, and regulation of drug-seeking behavior Ana-Clara En savoir plus