Cairn, borne ou belvédère ? : Quand le naturalisme et l’analogisme négocient la limite entre espace cultivé et forêt au Maroc
Romain SIMENEL, Bénéficiaire d’une subvention de recherche, 2009 & Mohammed Aderghal, Mohamed Sabir, Laurent Auclair Mots-clés : Maroc, ontologie, politiques coloniales, politiques En savoir plus
Genomic Methods Take the Plunge: Recent Advances in High-Throughput Sequencing of Marine Mammals
Marie LOUIS, Former Fyssen 2015-2016 & Kristina M. Cammen, Kimberly R. Andrews, Emma L. Carroll, Andrew D. Foote, Emily Humble, Jane I. Khudyakov, Michael R. McGowen, Morten Tange Olsen, and Amy En savoir plus
Perceiving Time Differences When You Should Not: Applying the El Greco Fallacy to Hypnotic Time Distortions
Jean-Rémy MARTIN, Former Fyssen 2014-2015 En stage post-doctoral à l’Université du Sussex sous la direction du Pr. Zoltan DIENES The way we experience and estimate time – subjective time – En savoir plus
Ornaments Reveal Resistance of North European Cultures to the Spread of Farming
Solange RIGAUD, Former Fyssen 2012-2013 The transition to farming is the process by which human groups switched from hunting and gathering wild resources to food production. Understanding how and to En savoir plus
A New Population of Parvocellular Oxytocin Neurons Controlling Magnocellular Neuron Activity and Inflammatory Pain Processing
Alexandre CHARLET, Bénéficiaire d’une subvention de recherche, 2014 Alexandre Charlet is a young CNRS investigator (CR2) at the Institute of Cellular and Integrative Neurosciences (INCI CNRS En savoir plus
Les âmes sauvages , Face à l’Occident, la résistance d’un peuple d’Alaska – Avril 2016
Nastassja MARTIN , Former Fyssen 2014-2015 Édition la Découverte C’est l’hiver et la température avoisine les moins quarante degrés. Les yeux levés vers les aurores boréales qui En savoir plus
Though these bones have been known for some time
Judit MARIGO CORTES , Former Fyssen 2014-2015 « Astragalar and calcaneal morphology of the middle Eocene primate Anchomomys frontanyensis (Anchomomyini): Implications for early primate En savoir plus
The dawn of technology, Stone tools from Lake Turkana are earliest yet at 3.3 million years old
Nature 521, 310–315(21 May 2015) Sonia HARMAND, Former Fyssen 2014-2015 & Hélène ROCHE , Recipient of the Fyssen Prize 2014 , Member of the Fyssen Lecture Committee. Jason E. Lewis, Craig En savoir plus