Bases biologiques du développement cognitif
Katia Schörle (CNRS, Centre Camille Jullian) Bénéficiaire d’une subvention de recherche en 2020 Séminaire Déplacements et circulations dans la Méditerranée antique de Cecilia D’Ercole (Directrice Directrice d’études de l’EHESS, Directrice de l’UMR 8210 ANHIMA – Anthropologie et histoire des mondes antiques. Chaire : Échanges, interactions culturelles en Méditerranée antique Recevoir le lien Zoom : ici […]
Ameline BARDO Former Fyssen 2017 Soapbox Science is a public outreach platform that promotes women and non-binary scientists and their research, with the ultimate aim of helping to eliminate gender inequality in STEMM subjects. Established as a single outreach activity in London in 2011, Soapbox Science has been a phenomenal success. The initiative has grown, […]